Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Modern Gadfly

   I don't think there is any one modern gadfly, but rather a fleet of them.  Today's society is extremely conducive to gadflies, enabling anybody with an internet connection and a will to voice their opinions to be heard throughout the world.  People have taken hold of this opportunity and take advantage of it at every turn.  Anything with a comments section is riddled with the thoughts of today's gadflies, everybody thinking what they have to say will have some earth-shattering, life-changing effect on all who read it.  In reality, most of us scroll through the musings and critiques of faceless words on the internet for amusement, taking little to none of it to heart.
   While this hyper-connectivity has gone a bit over board and dipped into the annoying side of advancement, I do think it is important to have a voice in this world.  Gadflies are not just creatures of annoyance and criticizing, but rather people who force us to ask the questions that facilitate growth and change.  There is a lot of garbage to wade through but there is also a lot of good that can come from the modern gadfly and their omni-presence.  I think there is a fine line that we are yet to fully understand between this helpful gadfly and an unnecessary disturbance.  But if there weren't people out there who could not rest until they had voiced their thoughts on every little occurrence, a lot of those occurrences would go unnoticed.  I think it is essential to have some form of a gadfly in a society.  We need a voice present that will never hesitate to point out what is wrong with a situation or idea.  We need someone whose default is to question what is going on so that we can assure ourselves we are alright with it.


  1. Yes maybe too many gadflies who all have a vehicle for their ideas concerning society. I guess we have the power not to pay attention to some...

  2. I couldn't agree more that the Internet has enabled all of us to be gadflies in a way. Twitter, as dumb as it might be, can be a great tool for promoting awareness about subjects and enlightening others (when used the right way of course).

  3. (I think I only commented on one last week so I'm doing it now)
    I agree that the many voices nowadays sometimes muffle the message, but I don't think it's as hard to really weed out the (true) gadflies because they're the ones with results. It's interesting to consider, however, the point at which too many questions dip into inefficiency - it's hard to get stuff done when someone is criticizing your every move. Something to think about I guess.

  4. I agree that there are multiple gadflies. I tink the annoying "gadflies", however, don't really count as much as gadflies as much as they are trolls, because gadlies ask only questions that make us consider life, not the garbage of everyone else's two cents.
