Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thankful for a Classmate

First of all, I would like to say I am very grateful for our entire philosophy class.  It has been one of my favorite classes I have taken in my five previous years at Whitney and I think our class has a great atmosphere that makes it ok for us to all have open and interesting discussions.  But I am particularly grateful for Gabby Afable, and while I risk boosting her ego too much by being the second person to write about her, I am lucky to have her in this class and as a friend.  Gabby has been one of my closest friends for most of my time at Whitney Young, and I think, above all, this is because we really understand each other, and also because our shared sense of humor is so strange when other people are around us they probably think we are insane.  In class, when Gabby does speak, it is well articulated thoughtful comments that I usually could not agree with more.  We always manage to have fun together, whether we are theater hopping for an entire day or intermittently talking at each other in a cafe while one of us tries desperately to get some homework done.  We can quote the most obscure Community lines to each other and she is one of the few friends I have that can spend a solid 48 hours with me at a time and maintain her sanity.  Sometimes I feel like she is the only person that consistently puts up with me, so for that thank you Gabby!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind comments about the class. Yeah, Gabby's alright.
